14-Day Course

Big shifts start with a love developed from within....

This FREE 14-Day Self Love Challenge is designed to open your mind and your heart to a perspective shift. The world around us hands us different lenses to see ourselves through and they aren't always positive ones. The tendency is to lean towards external validation rather than internal acceptance and love of self.

This is not where you need to log on to a Zoom call or participate in a Facebook group. Every other day you will be emailed your thought/lesson and inspiration for the day. This will also include an insight task (a.k.a homework). You will also receive video links (watch at your convenience) as resources. This is flexible for your schedule and all about your learning and growth. You just need a notebook or a journal and the desire to shift into something beautiful.

Unlock new perspectives as you learn to love yourself and that love begins to beautifully affect the things around you.

I'm so excited to have you join!

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